Some of these loans have been restructured with new collateral transferred to banks, while others have been refinanced through bond issues. 其中一些贷款通过向银行提供新的抵押品进行了重组,还有一些通过发债进行了再融资。
In recent decades, whenever a bank has made a loan to a hedge fund or cuts a deal with another bank, this is typically backed by collateral, such as a mortgage-backed security or treasury bond. 最近数十年,每当一家银行向对冲基金发放贷款,或与另一家银行达成交易,通常都有抵押品作为担保,例如抵押贷款支持证券(mbs)或国债。
It also helps that the European Central Bank ( ECB) accepts members'sovereign bonds as collateral on even terms& provided they retain a credit rating of A-or above. 因此各国的债信评级都保持在A-级或以上,这也有助于欧洲央行(ECB)接受各成员国以主权债券(sovereignbond)作为抵押。